
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I Wear Wednesday

I promise someday I'll blog about things other than what I wear... because I know it's not that exciting... but I love linking up with The Pleated Poppy and seeing what everyone else is wearing {and my computer at school doesn't block her blog!}
I like having something weekly to blog about and it feels sort of like a "deadline"
I need deadlines in my life.

and since I've temporarily staying with my parents I haven't been doing many DIY or home decor projects.... once Lee and I move {in May!!!} I'll be overloaded with great stuff to talk about.  I hope.

for now... the best I've got is remembering to take a picture of what I wear a few times a week.  I still only remember about every other day.

Date night with my husband!!!! because he's baaaaaaaaaaaaack! halleluiah!
Isn't he so handsome?? and he is the sweetest, kindest hearted boy ever.  I am so thankful to have him in my life.  He is always an encouragement to me and loves me more than I deserve.
Life will be so much better now that he is around everyday ;)

Sunday church wear.


Monday morning work day made happier with sequin trimmed sweater and purple shoes :) :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

blonde and bangs

I finally went for it!
I got bold and cut bangs!!
April of last year I wrote a post about wanting bangs, haha... only 1 year later I actually followed through!


and I may or may not have gone several shades lighter :)
I got used to the Grenadian sun bleaching out my hair and wasn't so happy with the brown roots growing in.
I think that the blonde makes my eyes looks much bluer because I've had several people ask me since the hair cut if I have colored contacts in, nope!


I also like the way it dresses up my pony tail.  I have a lot of fine hairs that stick out or curl up in the front and it makes my pony tails look pretty messy so the bangs cover all that up!

When I went to school the next day one of my 5th graders exclaimed "you look like Barbie!!"
I'm not sure compliments get better than that...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I Wear Wednesday

Last week I talked about transitioning into spring.... well... the weather missed the memo.
It was 85 degrees yesterday!! I went outside at recess and was sweating!!
So out the window goes the stuff about transitioning... and I broke down and wore sandals and if I didn't work inside an air-conditioned building all day I'd wear like shorts. serious. 
It may be the start of spring but Ohio is confused and thinks it's summer.


I changed into these jeans after school, I wore the same ensemble to school but with light grey dress pants.
I've had these jeans since 12th grade.... that probably means they're out of style. but I can't stop wearing them.


I was a in a navy mood this week.
and this skirt is from Walmart! even better? I bought it from the Goodwill for $2.50.


Sandals and bare legs and sunshine! I love it!
shoes and dress from Target.


If you're noticing something different about this picture it's not your eyes I had a little makeover this week.
I'll update about it tomorrow :)
My top and belt are from Target and shoes from Payless (but I got them at Goodwill, brand new!)
The beautiful forsythia bush - courtesy of God's beautiful creation.
Love spring time!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

pin worthy looks from real people

here are a few girls who I'll be taking some fashion notes from in the future
my favorites from the What I Wear Wednesday link up on The Pleated Poppy.

Trusty Chucks:  awesome color and pattern, right?

Pamplemouse: big fan of the jean jacket and skinny belt!

 NS Pottery - a fellow Ohio girl who has an amazing talent for pottery and wearing adorable flowers.

Design to Shine: loving the yellow and blue combo!

Kristin with an i : noticing a trend with the yellow? and layering necklaces is something I dig

once upon my life: teeny little hint of yellow... but the vintage plaid dress is my fav! 

Greater Than Rubies: one of my favorites ever. stripes. belt. skirt.

Looks like next week I'll be wearing yellow, stripes, and more skirts.
Check them out for some inspiration of your own!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What I Wear Wednesday {Transition to Spring}

there is a joke about Ohio saying that it's one of the few places where you have to use your heat and your air-conditioning both in the same day.
those days are here.
I love spring!!
but I need some clothes to sorta transition from hot to cold all in one day.

I love this jean trench coat I got several years ago.  It's lightweight, but still keeps me warm in the chilly mornings and is a little bit dressier than your typical jean jacket so it's good for work!

One trend I am loving for spring is oxford shoes.
I think it's still a bit early to bust out the sandals.... so sock-less oxfords are perfect!
I have been seeing them everywhere and really wanted a pair at JC Penny the other day (when I was buying my $20 coat) but resisted because they were $40 and I didn't need them..... but much to my amazement a pair showed up at the Salvation Army in just my size! And they're the real vintage deal. AND they were TWO DOLLARS!!!


And this fun bright colored plaid shirt?  I bought it at Goodwill in the 9th grade and have kept it all these years because I absolutely love it.  It's short sleeved so I threw a sweater on.

Other things I'm wearing to transition to spring? 
skirts and light weight scarves... but I don't have a picture of those.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

1 year of blogging at Kelsey Inspired!!

Happy Belated Blogiversary to me!
I completely missed the date,  March 2nd.
Oops.  Nothing like your crazy Aunt forgetting your birthday and sending a surprise card several weeks later, right?
That is totally me.  To say that my nieces think I am strange may be an understatement.


The other day my niece realized she had out grown a pair of underwear.  My sister told her to throw them away.... instead she brought them to me.
Me - "what am I supposed to do with your old underwear?!"
9 yr old - "don't you want to make something out of them?"
Me - "um I may draw the line at used underwear..."
9 yr old - "oh, I thought we could use the waist band as a head band or something"
Me - "hmmm well now that you mention it...." :)

a few days later my brother-in-law asked if my husband would like a coat he longer wears
Me - "yea sure! he could use a new coat"
6 yr old - "no! don't give it to her!"
everyone - "why?!"
6 yr old - "she'll cut it up!"

hahaha. oh children.

In honor of the 1 year mark I thought I'd share a few of my most popular posts in case you're a new reader and missed out on something awesome of course.

T-shirt restyle

I was shocked when one day a few weeks ago I began getting literally thousands of page views, the culprit - this tutorial I posted in August had been pinned on pinterest from
thanks friends in New Zealand!
and thanks for the reminder that now that I am home I have TONS of t-shirts I can do similar things with!

Seaglass Seahorse

Knotted Jute Bracelet

Coloring sheets for kids at wedding reception

Twig Stars

Boot socks

Sea Shell Heart

VW Van Photoshoot

And every week I continue to have the most visits to my blog from my What I Wear Wednesday posts from the link up I participate in at the Pleated Poppy Blog.  It is so much fun to get ideas from others and see the awesome outfits people are able to come up with!

Here's to another year of blogging!!!

ps. thanks for all the prayers for my hubby yesterday! he feels that the exam went well! yes!

Monday, March 12, 2012

USMLE Step One

Today is the day my husband has been preparing for the past 2 years and intensely studying for the past 10 weeks for - The USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam)  An 8 hour exam!
dun dun duuuunnnn

I know he will do great because in anything he does he puts forth 200% effort and is always very prepared, very calm, and very Lee like.

If you're reading this today and have 1 minute to spare, could you please send a little word up to God and ask him to watch over my precious husband and bless him in his diligent efforts to fulfill his calling to be a doctor.
you no... no biggie :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dr. Seuss Lorax Tree Art

This week we had Monday and Tuesday off from school.
Monday for a snow day and Tuesday for election day here in Ohio.
My nieces and I spent Monday evening working on some art work that I was inspired by pinterest to try. 
We also paintined Dr. Seuss Lorax trees because the girls recently watched the movie, and who doesn't love Dr. Seuss inspired crazy trees :)

We used paper grocery sacks from Kroger, a mountain dew bottle, paint, and an old pickle jar lid to put the paint in.

Use the bottom of the pop bottle as a stamp


the lid works as a stamp too!


winter, spring, and summer




Once we filled all the paper bags we held an art auction in the kitchen and sold the paintings to my parents (their grandparents) for .25-1.00.  My nieces' idea... they are little entrepreneurs!  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What I Wear Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!
I'm sharing a few of my "work" outfits over the past week.
I work in a school... and my husband made fun of me when I complained about having to dress "too modestly"
it sounds terrible when you say it out loud.
I obviously don't want to dress un-modest, but I feel slightly limited because I work in a school.  Does that make sense?
I wore a dress to school one day and a 5th grade boy seriously whistled at me when I walked into a classroom (in front of another teacher!)
talk about embarrassing.
It was knee length, I had one tights, and a sweater!
I've since kept away from the dresses.

I also feel slightly bummed out by the practical shoes I have to wear.
If I wear heels they click loudly as I walk down the halls and people say things like "I can believe you are wearing those shoes when you're on your feet all day"
yea well... I'm an adult and am smart enough to not wear shoes that hurt my feet when I KNOW I'll be standing the majority of the day.
But I'd rather just avoid such conversations, so flats it is.



I love these shoes! From Target a few years ago.


Granny sweater vest from Goodwill updated with a belt {also purchased at Goodwill)


This I actually wore to church on Sunday.
Secret about this dress?  It's maternity!  An extra small maternity that I bought on clearance and wear with a belt :)

another bad thing about not living in Grenada anymore? The sun is no longer bleaching out my roots... bleh.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Etsy Questions

I'm new to this whole Etsy thing.  I've only had one real sale (two others from people I know) and I only have 17 things in my shop... but I hope to grow and add more things as time passes.

I'm wondering who of you have shops and what this whole "in my circle" thing means and do you want to be in my circle and can I be in your's??
I feel like I'm friendless on Etsy!
Except for my real life friend Tiffany who has recently started her own shop too!! 
She owns Architecturespeaks and blogs over at Teach. Run. Love. 

She takes the photos herself and makes these great pieces of art!  She can also do custom words like your name!  Check her out! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

long distance love

I have many long distance relationships going on.

My husband is currently 500 miles away in Canada
My siblings live in California and Georgia
and a huge chunk of my heart is still in Grenada with the people and friends I left behind there.

Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

I'm finding inspiration from a few pins for a little something I'm working on.
I just love maps, don't you?