
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

1 year of blogging at Kelsey Inspired!!

Happy Belated Blogiversary to me!
I completely missed the date,  March 2nd.
Oops.  Nothing like your crazy Aunt forgetting your birthday and sending a surprise card several weeks later, right?
That is totally me.  To say that my nieces think I am strange may be an understatement.


The other day my niece realized she had out grown a pair of underwear.  My sister told her to throw them away.... instead she brought them to me.
Me - "what am I supposed to do with your old underwear?!"
9 yr old - "don't you want to make something out of them?"
Me - "um I may draw the line at used underwear..."
9 yr old - "oh, I thought we could use the waist band as a head band or something"
Me - "hmmm well now that you mention it...." :)

a few days later my brother-in-law asked if my husband would like a coat he longer wears
Me - "yea sure! he could use a new coat"
6 yr old - "no! don't give it to her!"
everyone - "why?!"
6 yr old - "she'll cut it up!"

hahaha. oh children.

In honor of the 1 year mark I thought I'd share a few of my most popular posts in case you're a new reader and missed out on something awesome of course.

T-shirt restyle

I was shocked when one day a few weeks ago I began getting literally thousands of page views, the culprit - this tutorial I posted in August had been pinned on pinterest from
thanks friends in New Zealand!
and thanks for the reminder that now that I am home I have TONS of t-shirts I can do similar things with!

Seaglass Seahorse

Knotted Jute Bracelet

Coloring sheets for kids at wedding reception

Twig Stars

Boot socks

Sea Shell Heart

VW Van Photoshoot

And every week I continue to have the most visits to my blog from my What I Wear Wednesday posts from the link up I participate in at the Pleated Poppy Blog.  It is so much fun to get ideas from others and see the awesome outfits people are able to come up with!

Here's to another year of blogging!!!

ps. thanks for all the prayers for my hubby yesterday! he feels that the exam went well! yes!


  1. Congrats and happy(belaIted) birthday, Kelsey!! You are an amazing blogger and don't let anyone tell you you're a crazy Aunt!! Your creativity inspires me greatly!!(I LOVE the boot socks idea and hope to make some for myself eventually; the T-shirt idea kinda cool, too.)

  2. Your pintrest links led my friend from home to your page! She sent me an email asking if I knew you since it said you were with your husband in Grenada!! Small world...and the internet makes it so much smaller!! :)


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you leave inspired ♥