
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I Wear Wednesday

Last week I talked about transitioning into spring.... well... the weather missed the memo.
It was 85 degrees yesterday!! I went outside at recess and was sweating!!
So out the window goes the stuff about transitioning... and I broke down and wore sandals and if I didn't work inside an air-conditioned building all day I'd wear like shorts. serious. 
It may be the start of spring but Ohio is confused and thinks it's summer.


I changed into these jeans after school, I wore the same ensemble to school but with light grey dress pants.
I've had these jeans since 12th grade.... that probably means they're out of style. but I can't stop wearing them.


I was a in a navy mood this week.
and this skirt is from Walmart! even better? I bought it from the Goodwill for $2.50.


Sandals and bare legs and sunshine! I love it!
shoes and dress from Target.


If you're noticing something different about this picture it's not your eyes I had a little makeover this week.
I'll update about it tomorrow :)
My top and belt are from Target and shoes from Payless (but I got them at Goodwill, brand new!)
The beautiful forsythia bush - courtesy of God's beautiful creation.
Love spring time!!


  1. love that skirt! great GW find... and navy is my favorite :)

  2. Wonderful as ever, Kelsey and I love your sandals in the last pic! I've been in love with your blog for a while and I just gave you an award. Please come and see -


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you leave inspired ♥