
Sunday, September 18, 2011

beauty from the rubbish

You're going to think I'm crazier than ever... but last week when I went on my twig hunt {and came home with that sign} I also came home with a random piece of metal wire, kind of like that used for a cage or something.
When I first saw it I thought it would be great to hang my earrings on, I've seen similar DIYs all over the internet, but once I started looking at it, I got a different type of inspiration. 
I have been drying some different flowers and leaves for fall decorations and decided that the rusted wire and the dried flowers would be a great combination.


Putting the fear of tetanus aside I began flattening out the wire and trimmed it down to about a 10x10in square.  After cutting the wire I bent the sharp edges down.


Arranged the dried flowers and hot glued them to the wire.

Added a little lace across the top for a hanger.

And since my hanging options are limited... I temporarily hung it from the light switch.
side note: see that red switch? it's to turn the heat on for our shower! crazy!

This week I'll be sharing some more of the little bits of fall I'm bringing into our home! 
Who's to say that because it's still a tropical island outside it can't be autumn in inside? :)


  1. What a great project!

    Just stopping by for Comment Love Day! So glad it brought me to your blog :) Have a great week!

  2. Lovely :) You can post it onto our creative spaces as well if you'd like too, it's such an original craft!

    Greetings from Norway

  3. What a pretty project! I don't know that I would have ever thought to do this.

    Hope you're having a fabulous Monday my dear!


  4. Oh so fun! Kudos for helping the environment. I totally love projects like this. Looks beautiful! :) ♥

  5. Love the juxtaposition of the flowers and the wire. Looks great. So cool to make beauty from rubbish!

    ~ Meredith From A Mother Seeking

    A Mother Seeking...


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