
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jute ampersand

If you've been around my blog much you know that I have developed a love of jute twine.
It's beachy and cheap! 2 of my favorites

Most of my inspiration comes out of the blue and fast, if I have something in my head I must do it NOW.
I woke up with the crafting bug eating away at me and soon decided I wanted to make a 3-D letter.
My 1st thought was of making a letter 'C' and to glue EC coins all over it, like those I made the earrings out of.  I quickly changed my mind to doing the ampersand instead... and after playing around with the coins I decided that it wouldn't look quite as sleek as I wanted so I scratched that and turned to my reliable twine.

I sketched out an ampersand on the cardboard which was leftover from some packaging
cut it out
and started wrapping the twine around
the back is messy, but no one is going to see it.  I tied a knot when I started and used hot glue to secure it down.
the angles made it hard to continuously wrap the twine around... so I had to leave some bare spots which I later when back and filled in.
I decided to dress it up with a couple sand dollars I had laying around and add to it's beachy-ness
It is photographed hanging from our shutters outside because the lighting was much better than inside.

I made this ampersand mostly as another souvenir to take back to America with me in December.  I am running out of space in this tiny apartment to keep up with all my crafting!  I can't stop!

So it gets added to the growing pile of souvenirs I have.  Are there support groups for this type of thing??




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  1. Thanks for sharing tihis! Need to try. Love how it turned out <3 Xoo

    - Urska @ Live.Create.Inspire

  2. I love that! It turned out great! Thanks for sharing, I especially love the twine :)

  3. love it! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday! As far as support groups for this kind of thing, well we're all in the same boat, and it's a great one! I'd say the best thing to do with all your crafts is give them as enjoyed making them and you'll make someone else happy too! And then you have every excuse in the world not to stop!

  4. Oooh - I love it! Thank you craft bug. I hope I have caught it too. Saw you on the Sunday Showcase.

  5. That is such a cute idea! I love the beachy theme you have going.

  6. I think this idea is very cute! It's also easy for new crafters or teen crafters.

    I'd love for you to share it on my "Crafts for Under Twenty Somethings" Thursday blog hop. Hope to see you this Thursday!


  7. Thanks so much for linking up!
    We are going to keep this going every Tuesday...
    Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun, so invite your friends.
    :0) Heather & Rose


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you leave inspired ♥