
Monday, July 2, 2012

Help me go to Grenada

If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time you will know that my heart lays in Grenada.
I spent two {incredibly fast} years there living and loving the people and that precious island.
I want more than anything to go back!
And there is a contest going on right now that you can help me win a free ticket and hotel!!!

Discover Grenada and Caribbean Airlines are  giving away two trips and I want my friend Amber and I to be the winners and you can help!

I know you get bombarded with stuff like this, trust me I understand.... but I'm not asking for money I'm just {begging} asking for you to take 5 seconds out of your day to click on this link and vote for me!


It would mean so so so much to me and I will be forever grateful and you will basically make me the happiest girl on earth. 
and if you're really nice you could tell your friends to vote for me too...

I need 800 votes.... and I've been averaging about 400 page views per day so that would be totally do-able, right?! yes! have faith!!! we can start a movement. a send Kelsey and Amber to Grenada movement!! join me!


ps. I was totally going to do a giveaway or something to spur on votes... but I found out that was illegal. dang. 

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you leave inspired ♥