
Monday, February 6, 2012

What time is it?

Time to get a watch! (har har har)

While living in Grenada I had 1 watch, it was a cheap sport watch from Walmart and the band broke after a couple months (probably from too much sun and water).
Once I got home I found all my other watches' batteries dead... and let's be honest,  I am NEVER going to remember to get the battery changed.  I always forget.
It's also important to note that I don't have a cell phone.  serious.  I've been home for over a month now and haven't really noticed or been too inconvenienced by not having a phone other than the fact that I never know what time it is... and once I had to use a pay phone (which cost .75cents for a local call! robery!)

I was in Target the other day and they had watches on clearance and I remembered I needed to know what time it is.... I could not believe how cheap they were!
How much do you think??

go ahead guess.....




They don't have any online but if you head to your local Target you might get lucky!
They had white, pink, blue, and black.


  1. Cute! I seen those the other day and thought they were a great deal!

  2. Score! I love the big chunky watches that are in style right now!

  3. No cell phone?? Wow! I don't know if I could live without one.. ha! I wish I'd never switched to the smart phones though. I won't ever be able to go back to the normal ones now.
    Cute watch! Seriously? Under $5? Score!


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