
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

10 Things I Love About You

Today over at  Newlywed's Bliss we are having a link up party!  We are asking you each week for the month of November to write a post with 10 things you love about your spouse! 
They say that 10% of things about your spouse drive you crazy... the other 90% are the things that you love and made you fall in love with them in the first place, but sometimes we focus on that 10% too much.

To my Lee:
  1. I love that you study and work so so so hard and you impress me every single day.
  2. I love that you are so smart and properly diagnosed my Mom by what little info I relayed to you. 
  3. I love that yesterday you said "there are more important things in life than a tidy house" 
  4. I love that you think I am the world's greatest cook.  and I secretly like it when you say things I make taste better than my Mom's.
  5. I love that you didn't mind that I put up a Christmas tree even though we are getting ready to move and won't even be in this apartment for Christmas.
  6. I love that you offered and slept on the floor Sunday night and gave my friend Amber the bed (long story) and were genuinely happy to do so.
  7. I love that you always, every single day of your life have the very best intentions about everything.  You have such a sweet heart and I want to be more like you.
  8. I love that you include me in every single decision you make.
  9. I love that you like to watch football and sometimes get into it so much that you're out of your chair yelling something.... and I love that you try to include me and tell me when they are fighting! 
  10. I love that you love the Limes kids as much as me and are taking time out of your busy schedule to come spend time with them.

 Want to join in on the fun?? Head over to Newlywed's Bliss and link up!!

1 comment:

  1. Your husband sound so sweet. Sleeping on the floor for your friend. I think you have a good one!


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