
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Boots of Walmart

I was recently greatly impressed by the selection of boots on

I landed on Walmart's website because Target's site said something like "Woof!  We are suddenly very popular, please wait while we fit you in" hmmmmm no thanks Target, you took way too long.

Here are are a few of my favorites

 $30! here
Only $18! here
$29 here

Not exactly boots, but I WANT these!! $18 here

Do you ever buy shoes at Walmart?? I do!  I'd rather have lots of shoes rather than a few more expensive pairs even if the quality isn't the same.  If I have 4 pair of boots as opposed to 1 they'll get even wear and probably last just as long :)


  1. That first pair is awesome, especially for $30!

  2. I got the same message from target!! Cute can induldge in just 2 short months!

  3. I definitely buy shoes at Walmart. :) Cute boots!

  4. haven't bought any shoez from wally-world in a lil bit but I am the same way, I rather have A LOT of inexpensive shoez than a few expensive shoez. I'm not a shoe fanatic but I do ENJOY a good pair of shoeZ! *smile*


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you leave inspired ♥