
Friday, September 23, 2011

Pretty Pumpkins

I love pumpkins.
I love to pick them, carve them, display them, and eat them.
I even like to call my husband and/or little kids pumpkin every once in a while... (my family will get this)

But {there is always a but with me huh?} no pumpkins in Grenada.  They do have them, but they are green... and they don't sell them whole.  They sell chunks to cook with.  And it isn't cheap... and I am.

These images will tide me over until next fall when I can decorate my own.
Happy Fall!


  1. Oh my gosh I love the pumpkin made out of book pages! You could totally make that with magazines like the magazine trees you made. DO IT KELS DO IT! :)

  2. I wonder which pumpkins you might try to make... just wish I was crafty enough because I love those in the first picture!


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