
Friday, September 16, 2011

almost copy-kat art

One of my character flaws is that I don't like to copy things (hence my love/hate relationship with pinterest) 
I want to be creative all on my own. be original.
But the truth is.... I'm not really all that one of a kind.
Many of the ideas I have seem original to me, but someone else has already thought of it.
To deal with this I'd like to call myself the "almost copy-kat"
I see something I like and then try to put my own spin on it.

I am a supporter of trying to re-create art for yourself.
Art is so expensive. eesh.
I'm that over-confident person who refuses to buy anything that I think I can make myself.
Sometimes it turns out good... and sometimes it is just an outlet for when I get that urge to paint or draw.

Last week I tried my hand at re-creating a favorite image of mine from pinterest.
that sea horse I used for inspiration for my sea glass sea horse.

I used some really thin sharpie markers that my friend from college Tiffany gave me when I was home.  She donate SO much awesome stuff to our after school program - the kids love the books she sent and I've been getting lots of use out of the sharpies! and not just for art purposes ;)
Tiffany has a super cute blog - Teach.Run.Love.
If you like running (she's about to do her 4th half marathon), teaching 1st graders, or cooking check her out!

ok end of commercial break.
back to sea horses.

my version.  It is draw on 8x10 paper.

But I couldn't stop there.  I was loving this so I decided to draw a fish in a similar style.


But you can't stop at 2.  You need at least 3 for a "collection"
So I drew a little jelly fish!



The similar style and colors makes them a beautiful grouping!  I cannot wait to frame and display them on a gallery wall when we get an apartment in America!


  1. Those are so awesome! What a great way to take something you loved and make it your own! Love it! :)

  2. Those are great. I couldn't draw my way out of a paper bag. I like how you started with the seahorse and ran with it.

  3. You are so sweet, kels! Thanks for the little plug for my blog :) I'm so glad you were able to use all the things I sent back with you! I'm so glad the kids love the books! Loved seeing their pictures reading! Love your art and miss you lots!

  4. I think the jelly fish is my favorite.

    A friend of mine who is an artist tells me that all art is really inspired by other art.

    I like your drawings.

  5. You did a great job! I love the pen and ink look!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you leave inspired ♥