
Friday, August 5, 2011

Wall Art on the cheap

This is the wall over our tiny little kitchen table (only big enough for 2 chairs)
and I thought I'd share with you what this array of random stuff is!
  • The painting of the man and woman dancing is cut out of a magazine.  I just loved both the painting and the long vertical shape of it.  (free... not my magazine :)
  • The silverware is drawn on black paper with white chalk.  don't touch it or it will smear. lol (cheap and easy!)
  • The black square is electrical tape (cheap)
  • The picture is my husband and I from our engagement pictures stuck inside of a card and taped to the wall. (cheap)
  • The bird is cut out of a grey paint sample (free!)
  • The chain of flowers is made out of toilet paper rolls!  (free!)
  • The purple frame is also a cut up paint sample (free!)
Wall art for pennies!  
And.... it is all paper products and light weight because our walls are concrete so everything must be taped up.. or hot glued. which I have found works great! 

Hanging above is my $4 Ikea paper lantern light.  I brought this in my suitcase with me because I just knew the lighting in this apartment would be horrible.  and I was right. we basically have outdoor porch lights inside.
you can read about how I covered up one of those lights here.

My favorite thing about this wall is how it all came together from random scraps and the ascending flow.
note don't be afraid to play around with the placement of  your wall art.

Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy


  1. Reminds me that I have some paintings from a calendar saved.. somewhere.

    That is hilarious that you hot glue things to the wall!

  2. I spy a toilet paper roll flower! This is my kind of decor: happy, relaxed, easy and cheap :) I love your style, Kelsey, and I'm following back with all my heart!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope you leave inspired ♥