
Thursday, June 23, 2011

broccoli again.

I'm trying harder to eat more vegetables.
Up until the age of 18 I only ate cooked carrots, peas, corn only on the cob, and potatoes if they count.
that's it.
then I met my husband and he opened my world to salad. only caesar for about a year... and then more.
then spinach in a salad, then onions and peppers, cucumbers and lettuce on sandwiches.

and now our journey has brought us to broccoli.
I hate broccoli. it's gross. it tastes like eating a tree.
but it's good for us and so I bought it.

I made the most amazing pasta (if I do say so myself) the other night with broccoli in it.  In a pasta you can eat things you wouldn't normally you know, you can garlic & parmesan cheese it up so it doesn't taste too much like a tree.... but tonight I'm looking for more ideas for broccoli that don't involve smothering it in cheese.

Broccoli and Quinoa

Pasta like I made. so good!

& then there is this one... haha! I can't think of anything more disgusting!
Source: None via Emily on Pinterest


  1. I just stumbled on your blog and I'm so glad I did! I'm in the process of "re-doing" mine. Hope you can stop by! P.S. I totally feel you on the broccoli! When I was younger I kept one piece in my mouth for HOURS because I would not swallow it! I still hate it, you're so brave! Baha.

  2. Kelsey! That sick piece of broccoli baked into that muffin made me dry heave. Sick!


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