
Friday, June 29, 2012

Free Find Friday

Finds of the week!

Yellow enamel bowl found at an estate sale!
Another estate sale - $1 too cute to not buy!

I found a working VCR for .50cents!! and all the thrift stores around sell VHS tapes for .25 cents!  I love it! I've been collecting some of my favorite movies from the 80s and 90s including this movie - Grosse Pointe Blank, which I've actually never seen..... but it's set in the town I just moved to!  So cool!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

new layout

it's 2:15am.
good thing I don't have to work tomorrow morning!
I've successfully watched 3 movies and spent hours re-doing this blog.

I just wasn't content with the way it looked and for about 20 minutes seriously considered paying someone to make it look more cohesive and professional and beautiful.... until I saw how much people are charging.
yea. right.
this girl is cheap.

So I googled about 1000 tutorials on how to do all sorts of html things that I'll never remember.
Thanks all you other people who understand and did all the work for me to know how to center things and create spaces and such :)

New things? 
Well I did a new header using the picture I took of the vintage linens on my bed. 
Yep that background is my sheets, duvet, and pillowcases!  pretty nifty huh?
I made it using only Picasa..... because you might have guessed that my world came crashing down when Pincik went out.  Picasa is no way nearly as good.  I want to play more with font and layers than it allows, but whatev.
I edited it using a few combinations of effects including pencil sketch and cross process to name a few.  Basically I just keep clicking and adjusting things until I'm happy.

I also made buttons for pinterest, instagram, twitter, and my other blog using the same photo. 
I just cropped sections of it to a square, added text, and uploaded them to flickr, and then linked the photo to the appropriate url.

Let's see what else..... um I made all the links open in new tabs and removed about a billion unnecessary things that were crowding up the space, like all the blog buttons (which no one ever looks at or clicks on) and cleaned up my label cloud and moved everything to one side so there is more room for the actual blog post and pictures. 

I need to do some serious work on my photography skills I've realized..... so frustrating to take pictures of a house with not very many windows and a little point and shoot. boo hoo me.

So yea!  Here's a fresh look for a while!
Now I need to work on my other blog..... Coghills in Michigan just doesn't inspire me quite the same as Coghills in Grenada did............... :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

THE Kitchen

My next room I'd like to share is one of the happiest rooms in our apartment!
A room that I spend a lot of time in.
Where I do my crafting and where my little fishy baby Neff lives.
The Kitchen! I gave you a little preview a couple weeks ago {here} but have since completed it a bit more... but not that chair yet, don't look too close...





An AWESOME yard sale find!! I think I paid $4 for it, which to me is actually a little steep for a yard sale, but I. HAD. TO. HAVE. IT.


Whats' that you ask?? Is that Napoleon Dynamite on my fridge??
I got this for Christmas one year, it's a giant magnet that is supposed to go on your car, haha!
So I decided the fridge was the perfect place him, makes me smile every time!



Those cookies?  I actually just made them for Lee to enjoy when he got home from work, but once they were there I didn't let him touch them until after I took the picture b/c they looked like a good prop ;)


bird salt and pepper shakers from when I worked at Pier 1!



Not exactly sure where I got these... I've had them in my room in a box for a long time just waiting for a chance to use them!  So happy to finally have a place to display all my treasures!


Close up of the amazing old desk I got at a local Catholic thrift shop for $10!  (Did I blog about it before? If I didn't.... I should have.)


LCK - monogram from our wedding table! :)
Giant fork and spoon?  found at a yard sale for $1. They're aluminum and so I just spray painted them - yellow!


This antique printer's drawer may have been my Grandpa's.... not 100% sure, but I found it in my parent's old house and took ownership over it!  It now holds my vintage sewing notions and Kinder Egg toys.
I found this yellow tray, as is, in the garage at an estate sale for $2! and that tree type thing is a jewelry holder I got at IKEA in college.  I don't actually like to put my jewelry on it, I like the way it looks all by itself.




Right now my old Pepsi crate is holding miscellaneous junk... but someday I'll clear it out and it'll be on "display" 


fabric and vinyl letters - clearance at Jo Anns!



oh yea yellow Fiesta Ware! 

So that's the kitchen! 
It's.... yellow huh?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Free Find.... Saturday.

ok so I missed yesterday...
but it's all good.
I didn't forget... I was just in a mood yesterday.

I should be thrilled on Fridays... no work and yard sales abound in the area
I got a "warning" from a cop because I parked in the wrong spot while I went to a yard sale for charity (give me a break dude!) and then came home annoyed and grumpy... at least until my Lee came home and things perked up.

anyway.  I did get something free this week!!
:) :)

it's going to need a little tlc but that's all I've got.


The seat is a little saggy.  Needs some support, but over all it's a really nice, good quality chair.
I actually love the fabric on it so I'm going to do my best to save it! 
I'll keep you updated on it's status, lol, right now she's sitting at the dining room table because I needed a 4th chair and it's not like we have anyone coming over anytime soon anyway, so no fear of someone caving through :)

Thanks sweet old man at a sale :)
I also scored some devotional books, a yellow necklace, and gold bracelet - for free!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Save the pink bathroom - reveal

I am so anxious to share some pictures of our apartment that I finally just picked the room that was most complete.  The bathroom.
I still have a few small things to do, namely - finding a clock, figuring out the blinds situation, and a toothbrush holder of some sort.

I'll share first the before pictures.  Everyone loves a Before and After.
The bathroom is pink. pink pink pink.

 This is how it looked the day I moved in.  Curtain, rugs supplied by the landlord and our miscellaneous stuff we threw in their during unpacking.

And here it is today, about 3 weeks later.  This is me going with a vintage feel.
I really am not that happy with how it is turning out in these pictures.  I like it in person so much more.  I seriously smile every time I catch a glimpse of all those frames on the wall... 
If you want to know what it looks like for real, you'll have to come on over!! :)



Shower curtain? no.... curtains I bought (4 years ago) that were too short for the giant windows in my living room here.  So.... it's covering up the heinous sliding doors. 

:) good bye butterflies.....


All my old pictures in my "old" bathroom.


a few of my favorite vintage frames and prints !


Pictures above the mirror found at my new favorite thrift store for $1 each.

no towel racks. cue in ladder.
                                          Details.  I'm learning to love and appreciate this pink  tile. :)


I like a little piece of Grenada in each room :)
a pink sink too!
Mirror on the door so I can check the back of my hair ;)

                                                                      Before and After


Thanks for visiting my bathroom!!! 
You'll be invited back when I find/make the perfect clock!!
